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Illinois & Indiana

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AUCTION, +/- 10.83 Acres,Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL.

AUCTION, +/- 10.83 Acres,Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL.

Posted on: January 6th, 2024 by Travis Selby

T4: +/- 10.83 Acres consisting of +/- 10.00 tillable acres, 140.5 PI.
Tract is subject to an existing farm lane easement running along the east border of the property allowing access to the adjacent farm to the north.
Part of section 28, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-28-200-006.
Estimated real estate tax: $693.12

Execellent opportunity to add to your current landholdings. This tract is mainly all tillable, currently rented for the 2024 crop year on a 50/50 crop share agreement.
The new owner will receive the owners share of the 2024 crop. Sale is subject to a 50/50 crop share lease.
Buyer will assume the owners 50% share crop agreement obligation for the 2024 crop year.

This tract will be offered at Public Auction, additional land available.

Contact Travis M Selby
Land Broker and Auctioneer


+/- 44.25 Acres offered in 4 tracts
Carroll Twp. Vermilion County, IL.
Auction Time & Date:
Thursday, 2 PM, February 8th
Online bidding available for pre-registered bidders.

Auction Location:
Turtle Run Banquet Center
332 E Liberty Ln, Danville, IL 61832

Highly productive tillable land.
72 x 54 machine shed with electricity and well.
Woods / Potential Pasture / Tillable Land.
Multi Parcel Bidding. Bid on individual tracts or any combination of tracts.

Sale is subject to a 50/50 crop share lease.
Buyer will assume the owners 50% share crop agreement obligation for the 2024 crop year.
Crop input cost to be determined, contact auctioneer for information.
New Plats of survey available for each tract.

T1: +/- 12.55 Acres; +/- 4.71 tillable acres, +/- 2.04 grass acres, 113 PI, +/- 5.21 acres woods and ditch.
Excellent combination of woods and tillable land. Great potential for pasture. Large acreage buiding site.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Assessor PIN# 32-20-202-004 and part of 32-20-202-017.
Estimated real estate tax: $168.56

T2: +/- 11.67 Acres consisting of +/- 10.80 tillable acres, 121.2 PI. Well maintained 72 x 54 machine shed with electricity and water well.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-20-202-017.
Estimated real estate tax: $479.46

T3: +/- 9.20 Acres consisting of +/- 8.53 tillable acres, 122 PI.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-20-202-016
Estimated real estate tax: $372.72

T4: +/- 10.83 Acres consisting of +/- 10.00 tillable acres, 140.5 PI.
Tract is subject to an existing farm lane running along the east border of the property.
Part of section 28, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-28-200-006.
Estimated real estate tax: $693.12

Auction terms and conditions:
Procedure: The property will be offered as 4 individual tracts and any combination of tracts. The auction will be conducted publicly with online bidding available for pre-registered online bidders. Bidding shall remain open until the auctioneer announces bidding closed.


Acceptance of Bid Prices/Contracts: All successful bidders will sign a sale contract at the auction site immediately following the close of the bidding.
Down Payment: A 10% earnest money deposit of the total contract purchase price will be due immediately after being declared the buyer. The down payment may be paid in the form of a personal check, business check, or cashiers check. The balance of the contract purchase price is due at closing.
Closing: Closing shall take place 40 days after auction day, or as soon thereafter as applicable closing documents are completed.
The anticipated closing date is on or before March 19th, 2024.

Possession: Possession will be given at closing subject to the 2024 crop lease agreement.
Buyer will assume the owners 50% share crop agreement obligation for the 2024 crop year. Input cost for each tract TBD.
Contact auctioneer to discuss inputs.

Title: Sellers shall provide an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the purchase price and shall execute a deed conveying to the buyer(s). Sellers shall pay the premium for the Title Insurance Policy and the sellers search charges. Commitments for Title Insurance will be available for review at the office of the auctioneer and at the auction site. Bidders shall be deemed to have reviewed and approved the Title Commitments by submitting bids.
Survey: New plats of survey for each tract are available for review. Contact the auctioneer for a copy of the plat of survey.
Title: Sellers shall provide an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the purchase price and shall execute a deed conveying to the buyer(s). Seller shall pay the premium for the Title Insurance Policy and the sellers search charges. Commitments for Title Insurance will be available for review at the office of the auctioneer and at the auction site. Bidders shall be deemed to have reviewed and approved the Title Commitments by submitting bids.

Real Estate Taxes and Assessments: Buyer shall receive a tax credit from seller at closing for the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024 in the amount of: T1: $168.56; T2: $479.46; T3: $372.72; T4: $693.12
The buyer shall be responsible for paying 100% of the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024.

Mineral Rights: The sale of the property shall include all mineral rights owned by the seller.

Agency: Ag Exchange Inc. and their representatives are exclusive agents of the Seller.
Disclaimer and Absence of Warranties: All information contained in this brochure and all related materials are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the sales contract.
The property is being sold on an as is basis, and no warranty or representation either expressed or implied, concerning the condition of the property is made by the seller or the auction company. Each potential bidder is responsible for conducting his or her own independent inspections, investigations, inquiries and due diligence concerning this property. The information contained in this brochure is believed to be accurate but is subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed by the sellers or the auction company. All sketches and dimensions in this brochure are approximate. Photographs are used for illustrative purposes only. Conduct at the auction and increments of the bidding are at the discretion of the auctioneer. The sellers and the auction company reserve the right to preclude any person from bidding and to remove any person from the auction if there is any question as to the persons credentials, fitness, conduct, etc. All decisions of the auctioneer are final.

Sellers: Karen Switzer, Althea Ramsbottom, and Bruce Spesard.

AUCTION, +/- 9.20 Acres, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL.

Posted on: January 6th, 2024 by Travis Selby

T3: +/- 9.20 Acres consisting of +/- 8.53 tillable acres, 122 PI.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-20-202-016
Estimated real estate tax: $372.72

Execellent opportunity to add to your current landholdings. This tract is mainly all tillable, currently rented for the 2024 crop year on a 50/50 crop share agreement.
The new owner will receive the owners share of the 2024 crop. Sale is subject to a 50/50 crop share lease.
Buyer will assume the owners 50% share crop agreement obligation for the 2024 crop year.

This tract will be offered at Public Auction, additional land available.

Contact Travis M Selby
Land Broker and Auctioneer


+/- 44.25 Acres offered in 4 tracts
Carroll Twp. Vermilion County, IL.
Auction Time & Date:
Thursday, 2 PM, February 8th
Online bidding available for pre-registered bidders.

Auction Location:
Turtle Run Banquet Center
332 E Liberty Ln, Danville, IL 61832

Highly productive tillable land.
72 x 54 machine shed with electricity and well.
Woods / Potential Pasture / Tillable Land.
Multi Parcel Bidding. Bid on individual tracts or any combination of tracts.

Sale is subject to a 50/50 crop share lease.
Buyer will assume the owners 50% share crop agreement obligation for the 2024 crop year.
Crop input cost to be determined, contact auctioneer for information.
New Plats of survey available for each tract.

T1: +/- 12.55 Acres; +/- 4.71 tillable acres, +/- 2.04 grass acres, 113 PI, +/- 5.21 acres woods and ditch.
Excellent combination of woods and tillable land. Great potential for pasture. Large acreage buiding site.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Assessor PIN# 32-20-202-004 and part of 32-20-202-017.
Estimated real estate tax: $168.56

T2: +/- 11.67 Acres consisting of +/- 10.80 tillable acres, 121.2 PI. Well maintained 72 x 54 machine shed with electricity and water well.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-20-202-017.
Estimated real estate tax: $479.46

T3: +/- 9.20 Acres consisting of +/- 8.53 tillable acres, 122 PI.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-20-202-016
Estimated real estate tax: $372.72

T4: +/- 10.83 Acres consisting of +/- 10.00 tillable acres, 140.5 PI.
Tract is subject to an existing farm lane running along the east border of the property.
Part of section 28, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-28-200-006.
Estimated real estate tax: $693.12

Auction terms and conditions:
Procedure: The property will be offered as 4 individual tracts and any combination of tracts. The auction will be conducted publicly with online bidding available for pre-registered online bidders. Bidding shall remain open until the auctioneer announces bidding closed.


Acceptance of Bid Prices/Contracts: All successful bidders will sign a sale contract at the auction site immediately following the close of the bidding.
Down Payment: A 10% earnest money deposit of the total contract purchase price will be due immediately after being declared the buyer. The down payment may be paid in the form of a personal check, business check, or cashiers check. The balance of the contract purchase price is due at closing.
Closing: Closing shall take place 40 days after auction day, or as soon thereafter as applicable closing documents are completed.
The anticipated closing date is on or before March 19th, 2024.

Possession: Possession will be given at closing subject to the 2024 crop lease agreement.
Buyer will assume the owners 50% share crop agreement obligation for the 2024 crop year. Input cost for each tract TBD.
Contact auctioneer to discuss inputs.

Title: Sellers shall provide an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the purchase price and shall execute a deed conveying to the buyer(s). Sellers shall pay the premium for the Title Insurance Policy and the sellers search charges. Commitments for Title Insurance will be available for review at the office of the auctioneer and at the auction site. Bidders shall be deemed to have reviewed and approved the Title Commitments by submitting bids.
Survey: New plats of survey for each tract are available for review. Contact the auctioneer for a copy of the plat of survey.
Title: Sellers shall provide an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the purchase price and shall execute a deed conveying to the buyer(s). Seller shall pay the premium for the Title Insurance Policy and the sellers search charges. Commitments for Title Insurance will be available for review at the office of the auctioneer and at the auction site. Bidders shall be deemed to have reviewed and approved the Title Commitments by submitting bids.

Real Estate Taxes and Assessments: Buyer shall receive a tax credit from seller at closing for the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024 in the amount of: T1: $168.56; T2: $479.46; T3: $372.72; T4: $693.12
The buyer shall be responsible for paying 100% of the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024.

Mineral Rights: The sale of the property shall include all mineral rights owned by the seller.

Agency: Ag Exchange Inc. and their representatives are exclusive agents of the Seller.
Disclaimer and Absence of Warranties: All information contained in this brochure and all related materials are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the sales contract.
The property is being sold on an as is basis, and no warranty or representation either expressed or implied, concerning the condition of the property is made by the seller or the auction company. Each potential bidder is responsible for conducting his or her own independent inspections, investigations, inquiries and due diligence concerning this property. The information contained in this brochure is believed to be accurate but is subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed by the sellers or the auction company. All sketches and dimensions in this brochure are approximate. Photographs are used for illustrative purposes only. Conduct at the auction and increments of the bidding are at the discretion of the auctioneer. The sellers and the auction company reserve the right to preclude any person from bidding and to remove any person from the auction if there is any question as to the persons credentials, fitness, conduct, etc. All decisions of the auctioneer are final.

Sellers: Karen Switzer, Althea Ramsbottom, and Bruce Spesard.

AUCTION, +/- 11.67 Acres with Outbuilding, Vermilion County, IL

Posted on: January 6th, 2024 by Travis Selby

AUCTION, +/- 11.67 Acres, Additional land available.
Carroll Twp. Vermilion County, IL.

Auction Time & Date:
Thursday, 2 PM, February 8th
Online bidding available for pre-registered bidders.

Auction Location:
Turtle Run Banquet Center
332 E Liberty Ln, Danville, IL 61832

Excellent small acreage property with 10.80 tillable acres and a 72′ x 54′ machine shed with electricity and well.

Located just south of Indianaola, IL.
Address for driving directions: 10904 E 360 NORTH RD, INDIANOLA, IL, 61850 Look for signs.

This is a great opportunity for a hobby farmer. The facility can easily be converted to accomodate livestock.
Ideal homesite location with black top road frontage.
The farmland is currently rented for the 2024 crop year on a 50/50 crop share agreement. The new owner will receive the landowners share of the 2024 crop.
The new owner will have open farm tenancy rights following harvest of the 2024 crop.

+/- 11.67 Acres consisting of +/- 10.80 tillable acres, 121.2 PI. Well maintained 72 x 54 machine shed with electricity and water well.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-20-202-017.
Estimated real estate tax: $479.46

Machine Shed: Address for driving directions: 10904 E 360 NORTH RD, INDIANOLA, IL, 61850
72 x 54
Sliding doors on the east and south sides of the building.
East Sliding doors, 22 opening x 14
South sliding doors, 26 opening x 12
Gravel floor

200 amp service.
Water well with frost free water spicket.

26 x 20 framed enclosure with 2 interior rooms, concrete floor.
Room 1, 9.5′ x 19
Room 2, 15 x 19 with window and exterior man door.

Travis M Selby
Land Broker and Auctioneer
IL Broker 475133882
IL Auctioneer 441001485


+/- 44.25 Acres offered in 4 tracts
Carroll Twp. Vermilion County, IL.
Auction Time & Date:
Thursday, 2 PM, February 8th
Online bidding available for pre-registered bidders.

Auction Location:
Turtle Run Banquet Center
332 E Liberty Ln, Danville, IL 61832

Highly productive tillable land.
72 x 54 machine shed with electricity and well.
Woods / Potential Pasture / Tillable Land.
Multi Parcel Bidding. Bid on individual tracts or any combination of tracts.

Sale is subject to a 50/50 crop share lease.
Buyer will assume the owners 50% share crop agreement obligation for the 2024 crop year.
Crop input cost to be determined, contact auctioneer for information.
New Plats of survey available for each tract.

T1: +/- 12.55 Acres; +/- 4.71 tillable acres, +/- 2.04 grass acres, 113 PI, +/- 5.21 acres woods and ditch.
Excellent combination of woods and tillable land. Great potential for pasture. Large acreage buiding site.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Assessor PIN# 32-20-202-004 and part of 32-20-202-017.
Estimated real estate tax: $168.56

T2: +/- 11.67 Acres consisting of +/- 10.80 tillable acres, 121.2 PI. Well maintained 72 x 54 machine shed with electricity and water well.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-20-202-017.
Estimated real estate tax: $479.46

T3: +/- 9.20 Acres consisting of +/- 8.53 tillable acres, 122 PI.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-20-202-016
Estimated real estate tax: $372.72

T4: +/- 10.83 Acres consisting of +/- 10.00 tillable acres, 140.5 PI.
Tract is subject to an existing farm lane running along the east border of the property.
Part of section 28, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-28-200-006.
Estimated real estate tax: $693.12

Auction terms and conditions:
Procedure: The property will be offered as 4 individual tracts and any combination of tracts. The auction will be conducted publicly with online bidding available for pre-registered online bidders. Bidding shall remain open until the auctioneer announces bidding closed.


Acceptance of Bid Prices/Contracts: All successful bidders will sign a sale contract at the auction site immediately following the close of the bidding.
Down Payment: A 10% earnest money deposit of the total contract purchase price will be due immediately after being declared the buyer. The down payment may be paid in the form of a personal check, business check, or cashiers check. The balance of the contract purchase price is due at closing.
Closing: Closing shall take place 40 days after auction day, or as soon thereafter as applicable closing documents are completed.
The anticipated closing date is on or before March 19th, 2024.

Possession: Possession will be given at closing subject to the 2024 crop lease agreement.
Buyer will assume the owners 50% share crop agreement obligation for the 2024 crop year. Input cost for each tract TBD.
Contact auctioneer to discuss inputs.

Title: Sellers shall provide an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the purchase price and shall execute a deed conveying to the buyer(s). Sellers shall pay the premium for the Title Insurance Policy and the sellers search charges. Commitments for Title Insurance will be available for review at the office of the auctioneer and at the auction site. Bidders shall be deemed to have reviewed and approved the Title Commitments by submitting bids.
Survey: New plats of survey for each tract are available for review. Contact the auctioneer for a copy of the plat of survey.
Title: Sellers shall provide an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the purchase price and shall execute a deed conveying to the buyer(s). Seller shall pay the premium for the Title Insurance Policy and the sellers search charges. Commitments for Title Insurance will be available for review at the office of the auctioneer and at the auction site. Bidders shall be deemed to have reviewed and approved the Title Commitments by submitting bids.

Real Estate Taxes and Assessments: Buyer shall receive a tax credit from seller at closing for the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024 in the amount of: T1: $168.56; T2: $479.46; T3: $372.72; T4: $693.12
The buyer shall be responsible for paying 100% of the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024.

Mineral Rights: The sale of the property shall include all mineral rights owned by the seller.

Agency: Ag Exchange Inc. and their representatives are exclusive agents of the Seller.
Disclaimer and Absence of Warranties: All information contained in this brochure and all related materials are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the sales contract.
The property is being sold on an as is basis, and no warranty or representation either expressed or implied, concerning the condition of the property is made by the seller or the auction company. Each potential bidder is responsible for conducting his or her own independent inspections, investigations, inquiries and due diligence concerning this property. The information contained in this brochure is believed to be accurate but is subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed by the sellers or the auction company. All sketches and dimensions in this brochure are approximate. Photographs are used for illustrative purposes only. Conduct at the auction and increments of the bidding are at the discretion of the auctioneer. The sellers and the auction company reserve the right to preclude any person from bidding and to remove any person from the auction if there is any question as to the persons credentials, fitness, conduct, etc. All decisions of the auctioneer are final.

Sellers: Karen Switzer, Althea Ramsbottom, and Bruce Spesard.

AUCTION, +/- 44.25 Acres, 4 tracts, Carroll Twp. Vermilion County, IL.

Posted on: January 4th, 2024 by Travis Selby

+/- 44.25 Acres offered in 4 tracts
Carroll Twp. Vermilion County, IL.

Auction Time & Date:
Thursday, 2 PM, February 8th
Online bidding available for pre-registered bidders.

Auction Location:
Turtle Run Banquet Center
332 E Liberty Ln, Danville, IL 61832

Highly productive tillable land.
72 x 54 machine shed with electricity and well.
Woods / Potential Pasture / Tillable Land.
Multi Parcel Bidding. Bid on individual tracts or any combination of tracts.

Sale is subject to a 50/50 crop share lease.
Buyer will assume the owners 50% share crop agreement obligation for the 2024 crop year.
Crop input cost to be determined, contact auctioneer for information.
New Plats of survey available for each tract.

T1: +/- 12.55 Acres; +/- 4.71 tillable acres, +/- 2.04 grass acres, 113 PI, +/- 5.21 acres woods and ditch.
Excellent combination of woods and tillable land. Great potential for pasture. Large acreage buiding site.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Assessor PIN# 32-20-202-004 and part of 32-20-202-017.
Estimated real estate tax: $168.56

T2: +/- 11.67 Acres consisting of +/- 10.80 tillable acres, 121.2 PI. Well maintained 72 x 54 machine shed with electricity and water well.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-20-202-017.
Estimated real estate tax: $479.46

T3: +/- 9.20 Acres consisting of +/- 8.53 tillable acres, 122 PI.
Part of section 20, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-20-202-016
Estimated real estate tax: $372.72

T4: +/- 10.83 Acres consisting of +/- 10.00 tillable acres, 140.5 PI.
Tract is subject to an existing farm lane running along the east border of the property.
Part of section 28, T17N-R12W, Carroll Twp, Vermilion County, IL. Split out of Assessor PIN 32-28-200-006.
Estimated real estate tax: $693.12

Travis M Selby
Land Broker and Auctioneer
IL Broker 475133882
IL Auctioneer 441001485

Auction terms and conditions:
Procedure: The property will be offered as 4 individual tracts and any combination of tracts. The auction will be conducted publicly with online bidding available for pre-registered online bidders. Bidding shall remain open until the auctioneer announces bidding closed.


Acceptance of Bid Prices/Contracts: All successful bidders will sign a sale contract at the auction site immediately following the close of the bidding.
Down Payment: A 10% earnest money deposit of the total contract purchase price will be due immediately after being declared the buyer. The down payment may be paid in the form of a personal check, business check, or cashiers check. The balance of the contract purchase price is due at closing.
Closing: Closing shall take place 40 days after auction day, or as soon thereafter as applicable closing documents are completed.
The anticipated closing date is on or before March 19th, 2024.

Possession: Possession will be given at closing subject to the 2024 crop lease agreement.
Buyer will assume the owners 50% share crop agreement obligation for the 2024 crop year. Input cost for each tract TBD.
Contact auctioneer to discuss inputs.

Title: Sellers shall provide an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the purchase price and shall execute a deed conveying to the buyer(s). Sellers shall pay the premium for the Title Insurance Policy and the sellers search charges. Commitments for Title Insurance will be available for review at the office of the auctioneer and at the auction site. Bidders shall be deemed to have reviewed and approved the Title Commitments by submitting bids.
Survey: New plats of survey for each tract are available for review. Contact the auctioneer for a copy of the plat of survey.
Title: Sellers shall provide an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the purchase price and shall execute a deed conveying to the buyer(s). Seller shall pay the premium for the Title Insurance Policy and the sellers search charges. Commitments for Title Insurance will be available for review at the office of the auctioneer and at the auction site. Bidders shall be deemed to have reviewed and approved the Title Commitments by submitting bids.

Real Estate Taxes and Assessments:
Buyer shall receive a tax credit from seller at closing for the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024 in the amount of: T1: $168.56; T2: $479.46; T3: $372.72; T4: $693.12
The buyer shall be responsible for paying 100% of the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024.

Mineral Rights: The sale of the property shall include all mineral rights owned by the seller.

Agency: Ag Exchange Inc. and their representatives are exclusive agents of the Seller.
Disclaimer and Absence of Warranties: All information contained in this brochure and all related materials are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the sales contract.
The property is being sold on an as is basis, and no warranty or representation either expressed or implied, concerning the condition of the property is made by the seller or the auction company. Each potential bidder is responsible for conducting his or her own independent inspections, investigations, inquiries and due diligence concerning this property. The information contained in this brochure is believed to be accurate but is subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed by the sellers or the auction company. All sketches and dimensions in this brochure are approximate. Photographs are used for illustrative purposes only. Conduct at the auction and increments of the bidding are at the discretion of the auctioneer. The sellers and the auction company reserve the right to preclude any person from bidding and to remove any person from the auction if there is any question as to the persons credentials, fitness, conduct, etc. All decisions of the auctioneer are final.

Sellers: Karen Switzer, Althea Ramsbottom, and Bruce Spesard.

AUCTION, +/- 140.87 Acres, 2 Tracts, Vermilion County, Illinois

Posted on: December 8th, 2023 by Travis Selby

+/- 89.87 Acres, Offered in 2 Tracts
Danville Twp. Vermilion County, IL

Auction Time & Date:
Tuesday, 10:00 AM, January 9th

Auction Location:
Turtle Run Banquet Center
332 E Liberty Ln, Danville, IL 61832

Productive Tillable Land.
Class A and Class B Soils.

Located between Belgium, IL and Hegeler, IL. 2.25 Miles South of Interstate 74, Exit 215.
Excellent farmland with commercial and residential development potential.
High traffic counts along IL Route 1.
+/- 3,798 ft of IL Route 1 Frontage.
Smith Avenue and Lyons Rd frontage along the south boundary.
Open Farm Tenancy for 2024.
New Survey Available.

T2: +/- 56.67 Acres; +/- 51.64 Tillable Acres, 143.9 PI.
Part of section 32, T19N – R11W, Danville TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 23-32-100-001, Real Estate Tax = $3,327.72 = $58.68 per acre.

T3: +/- 84.20 Acres; +/- 68.60 Tillable Acres, 129.2 PI
Part of section 32, T19N- R11W Danville TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 23-32-100-010, Real Estate Tax Total = $3,461.10 = $41.11 per acre.

Land Broker and Auctioneer, Travis Selby
IL AUCTION Lic.# 441001485

Auction terms and conditions:
Procedure: T2 and T3 will be offered as individual tracts, and as a combination of T2 and T3. Bidding shall remain open until the auctioneer announces bidding closed. The auction will be conducted publicly with online bidding available for pre-registered online bidders.


Acceptance of Bid Prices/Contracts: All successful bidders will sign a sale contract at the auction site immediately following the close of the bidding.

Down Payment: A 10% earnest money deposit of the total contract purchase price will be due immediately after being declared the buyer. The down payment may be paid in the form of a personal check, business check, or cashiers check. The balance of the contract purchase price is due at closing.

Closing: T2 and T3 closing shall take place 45 days after the auction day subject to approval of Vermilion County, IL Circuit Court.

Possession: Possession will be given at closing. Open tenancy for 2024 crop year.

Survey: A new survey has been provided for T2 and T3.

Title: Sellers shall provide an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the purchase price and shall execute a deed conveying to the buyer(s). Sellers shall pay the premium for the Title Insurance Policy and the sellers search charges. Commitments for Title Insurance will be available for review at the office of the auctioneer and at the auction site. Bidders shall be deemed to have reviewed and approved the Title Commitments by submitting bids.

Real Estate Taxes and Assessments: Buyer shall receive a tax credit from seller at closing for the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024 in the amount of: T2: $3,327.72; T3: $3,461.10
The buyer shall be responsible for paying 100% of the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024.

Mineral Rights: The sale of the property shall include all mineral rights owned by the seller.

Agency: Ag Exchange Inc. and their representatives are exclusive agents of the Seller.

Disclaimer and Absence of Warranties: All information contained in this brochure and all related materials are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the sales contract.


The property is being sold on an as is basis, and no warranty or representation either expressed or implied, concerning the condition of the property is made by the seller or the auction company. Each potential bidder is responsible for conducting his or her own independent inspections, investigations, inquiries and due diligence concerning this property. The information contained in this brochure is believed to be accurate but is subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed by the sellers or the auction company. All sketches and dimensions in this brochure are approximate. Photographs are used for illustrative purposes only. Conduct at the auction and increments of the bidding are at the discretion of the auctioneer. The sellers and the auction company reserve the right to preclude any person from bidding and to remove any person from the auction if there is any question as to the persons credentials, fitness, conduct, etc. All decisions of the auctioneer are final.
T2 and T3 Seller: Heirs of Dorthy Dunsmore

AUCTION, +/- 27.35 acres, Catlin Twp. Vermilion County, Illinois

Posted on: December 8th, 2023 by Travis Selby

+/- 27.35 Acres; +/- 15.15 Wooded Acres, +/- 12.20 Tillable Acres, 125.6 PI
Standalone tract, cannot be bid on in combination.
Part of section 30, T19N- R12W Catlin TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 22-30-200-017, Real Estate Tax = $614.54 = $22.47 per acre.

AUCTION, +/- 168.22 acres, 3 Tracts, Catlin & Danville, Twp’s, Vermilion County, Illinois

Posted on: December 8th, 2023 by Travis Selby

+/- 168.22 Acres, Offered in 3 Tracts
Catlin Twp. and Danville Twp. Vermilion County, IL.

Auction Time & Date:
Tuesday, 10:00 AM, January 9th.
Auction Location:
Turtle Run Banquet Center
332 E Liberty Ln, Danville, IL 61832

Productive Tillable Land
Commercial and Residential Development Potential
High Traffic Counts
Wooded Recreational Land
Open Farm Tenancy for 2024

T1: +/- 27.35 Acres; +/- 15.15 Wooded Acres, +/- 12.20 Tillable Acres, 125.6 PI
Standalone tract, cannot be bid on in combination.
Part of section 30, T19N- R12W Catlin TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 22-30-200-017, Real Estate Tax = $614.54 = $22.47 per acre.

T2: +/- 56.67 Acres; +/- 51.64 Tillable Acres, 143.9 PI.
Part of section 32, T19N – R11W, Danville TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 23-32-100-001, Real Estate Tax = $3,327.72 = $58.68 per acre.

T3: +/- 84.20 Acres; +/- 68.60 Tillable Acres, 129.2 PI
Part of section 32, T19N- R11W Danville TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
PIN# 23-32-100-010, Real Estate Tax Total = $3,461.10 = $41.11 per acre.

Land Broker and Auctioneer
Travis M Selby
IL AUCTION Lic.# 441001485

Auction terms and conditions:
Procedure: T1 will be offered individually. Bidding for T2 and T3 will open after T1 bidding is closed.
T2 and T3 will be offered as individual tracts, and as a combination of T2 and T3. Bidding shall remain open until the auctioneer announces bidding closed.
The auction will be conducted publicly with online bidding available for pre-registered online bidders.


Acceptance of Bid Prices/Contracts: All successful bidders will sign a sale contract at the auction site immediately following the close of the bidding.
Down Payment: A 10% earnest money deposit of the total contract purchase price will be due immediately after being declared the buyer. The down payment may be paid in the form of a personal check, business check, or cashiers check. The balance of the contract purchase price is due at closing.
Closing: T1 closing shall take place 30 days after the auction day, or as soon thereafter as applicable closing documents are completed. The anticipated closing date for T1 shall be February 8th, 2024.
T2 and T3 closing shall take place 45 days after the auction day subject to approval of Vermilion County, IL Circuit Court.
Possession: Possession will be given at closing. Open tenancy for 2024 crop year.

Survey: T1 will be sold per deeded acre. A new survey shall not be provided, and the sales shall not be subject to a survey.
A new survey has been provided for T2 and T3.
Title: Sellers shall provide an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the purchase price and shall execute a deed conveying to the buyer(s). Sellers shall pay the premium for the Title Insurance Policy and the sellers search charges. Commitments for Title Insurance will be available for review at the office of the auctioneer and at the auction site. Bidders shall be deemed to have reviewed and approved the Title Commitments by submitting bids.

Real Estate Taxes and Assessments: Buyer shall receive a tax credit from seller at closing for the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024 in the amount of: T1: $614.54; T2: $3,327.72; T3: $3,461.10
The buyer shall be responsible for paying 100% of the 2023 real estate tax due and payable in 2024.

Mineral Rights: The sale of the property shall include all mineral rights owned by the seller.

Agency: Ag Exchange Inc. and their representatives are exclusive agents of the Seller.
Disclaimer and Absence of Warranties: All information contained in this brochure and all related materials are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the sales contract.
The property is being sold on an as is basis, and no warranty or representation either expressed or implied, concerning the condition of the property is made by the seller or the auction company. Each potential bidder is responsible for conducting his or her own independent inspections, investigations, inquiries and due diligence concerning this property. The information contained in this brochure is believed to be accurate but is subject to verification by all parties relying on it. No liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed by the sellers or the auction company. All sketches and dimensions in this brochure are approximate. Photographs are used for illustrative purposes only. Conduct at the auction and increments of the bidding are at the discretion of the auctioneer. The sellers and the auction company reserve the right to preclude any person from bidding and to remove any person from the auction if there is any question as to the persons credentials, fitness, conduct, etc. All decisions of the auctioneer are final.
T1 Seller: Carolyn J Schlorff
T2 and T3 Seller: Heirs of Dorthy Dunsmore


Posted on: November 7th, 2023 by Travis Selby

+/- 14.05 Wooded Acres, Vermillion County, IN.

Property has a variety of terrain changes with a mix of mature hardwood timber. Excellent recreational property offering deer, turkey, and small game hunting.
Black Top Road frontage on 75W. Several sites suitable for a home or cabin.
JOINK, Internet fiber runs along 75W.

Vermillion County, IN Assessor parcel number: 83-06-07-300-002.000-005

Location Address:
Property is located just south of 3107 N 75W Cayuga, IN 47928

Terms of sale: 10% down, closing to occur 30 days after signing of the sale agreement. Sale shall not be conditional upon financing.
Property will be shown to financially qualified buyers only.

Contact Travis Selby

Rural Country Home with +/- 10 Acres, Vermillion County, IN

Posted on: August 22nd, 2023 by Travis Selby


+/- 10 Acre Hobby Farm with Rural Country Home located north of Dana IN.
Fenced pasture for livestock with cattle shed.
Property has an excellent mix of grass pasture and woods.
High deer and turkey population. Abundant wildlife.

Recently remodeled, 1,082 sq ft home, 5 rooms total, consisting of 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, living room and kitchen.
Block crawlspace foundation and partial utility basement for gas water heater, gas furnace and pressure tank updated new in 2018.
Central air conditioning, metal roof and vinyl exterior siding. Maintenance free exterior.
16 x 25 garage with gravel floor. Well and septic.

Located in the North Vermillion Community School Corporation.

Excellent rural retreat or full time residence. Additional home and 5 acres adjacent to this property is also available for purchase priced at $135,000.00.

Contact Travis Selby to schedule a viewing.
Property will be shown to financially qualified buyers only.

AUCTION, T8 +/- 15.05 Acres, Vermilion County, IL

Posted on: July 29th, 2023 by Travis Selby

T8: +/- 15.05 acres consisting of +/- 9 acres fenced for livestock and +/- 5 tillable acres.
Excellent large acreage build site. New cattle fencing installed in 2022. Mature old growth timber, grass for grazing and shallow water pond used for watering livestock.
Road frontage along Perrysville Rd and Gessie Rd. Part of sections 25, T19N R11W, Danville TWP. Vermilion County, IL.
Split out of PIN#: 23-25-200-011. Danville TWP. Vermilion County, IL. Estimated real estate tax: $248.33.

Additional farmland and adjacent house with outbuildings available, see attached tract map PDF.
Tract 8 is part of a 10 tract auction scheduled to sell August 31st.

+/- 306.54 Acres offered in 10 tracts.
Danville TWP. Vermilion County, IL. and Highland TWP. Vermillion County, IN.
Auction Time & Date:
Thursday, 10 AM CST, August 31st

Auction Location:
Beef House Restaurant
16501 N, IN-63, Covington, IN 47932

Highly productive tillable tracts.
Buyer receives prorated cash rent.
Fenced pasture for livestock, wooded hunting land.
Large acreage build sites.
Two country farmhouses, outbuildings and grain bin storage.
Tracts to be surveyed prior to auction.

Travis M. Selby
Land Broker and Auctioneer
IN Auctioneer # 1070091
IL Auctioneer # 441001485

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