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Call Stephanie Spiros:
Call Travis Selby:
Call Brok Isaac:
Illinois & Indiana

Call Stephanie Spiros: 217.304.0404

Call Travis Selby: 217.304.1686

Call Brok Isaac: 217.841.2712

139.6 Acres, Montgomery County IL.


Property Details

  • Acres:139.60
  • Status:Sold
  • Type:Farms, Hunting Land, Recreational Property, Riverfront Property
  • Zip:62051
  • Price Per Acre:$4,441
  • City:Irving
  • State:Illinois
  • County:Montgomery

Travis Selby

Illinois and Indiana Land Broker Phone:
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Property Description


+/- 139.6 Acres, Montgomery County IL.
This is an excellent mixed use farm providing annual farm income and excellent recreational hunting and fishing opportunities.
This farm has been well cared for and manicured over the years. The farm has a variety of gentle, terrain changes.
Numerous home or cabin construction sites, 2 ponds, interior trail system, little creek runs through the property.
Excellent deer, turkey, dove, pheasant and small game hunting. This property has the heavy cover needed to hold and keep game on the farm.
Endless food plotting possibilities.

Contact Travis Selby 217.304.1686

+/- 51.78 total cropland acres, per Montgomery County, IL USDA
+/- 95 wooded acres.

+/- 11.66 acres in row crop production/wildlife food plots and 3 CRP contracts.
CRP contract 1: +/- 13.30 acres x $437.47/acre = $5,818/yr., expiring Sept 2028. $46,544 remaining
CRP contract 2: +/- 14.40 acres x $272.59/acre = $3,925/yr., expiring Sept 2023. $11,775 remaining
CRP contract 3: +/- 5.28 acres x $275.70/acre = $1,456/yr., expiring Sept 2024. $ 5,824 remaining
Annual CRP income: $ 11,199.00

2 ponds: The west pond is approximately 1.5 acres and the east pond is approximately .75 acres.
Outbuilding: 104 ft x 84 ft. Electricity is present.

12-28-200-001 (40.00 Acres) $ 409.68 tax
12-28-200-002 (12.00 Acres) $ 38.36 tax
12-28-100-007 (20.00 Acres) $ 80.70 tax
12-28-100-005 (18.50 Acres) $ 75.10 tax
12-28-100-002 ( 9.10 Acres) $ 37.56 tax
12-28-100-004 (40.00 Acres) $ 244.48 tax

139.60 total Acres $ 885.88 tax

Contact Travis Selby 217.304.1686

Property Map / Directions

Farm is located just west of Irving IL. 1 hr east of Saint Louis MO, 1 hr south of Springfield,IL. 2 hrs south of Peoria, IL. 20 minutes east of Litchfield, IL. Contact Travis Selby 217.304.1686

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